The Herbal Academy Course and my journey with Herbs
The Herbal Materia Medica course run my the Herbal Academy is something I have just enrolled in and I've been meaning to do for a while now. I have always had such an interest in the world of herbs, since the first time my mother took me to the local herb gardens as a young child. We drank Chamomile tea and ate homemade Lemon Balm cake and she brought me a herbal remedies poster from the shop. This kickstarted something in me a new passion and over the years its never left me. Ive collected the books, made my own miniature gardens, cooked with herbs and my repertoire of herbal teas has really expanded.
Now these plants are fascinating me ever more and I am combining two of my passions my fascination in ancient healing methods, the plant folklore and uses for these herbs and my love of art to illustrate these plants and record them for my own library of knowledge. Theres no better way to get to know a plant than to spend hours drawing it.
For someone, like me who lives on a small windy island in Orkney (just off the top of Scotland). Gardening can be a challenge, to say the least! I plan to plant a lot of the herbs I am studying myself and make my own herb garden. I'm just at the beginning of my journey but I will enjoy the process immensely. Watching them grow, observing my herb collection expand and my knowledge of these powerful plants increase.
I hope to go on to do more course with the Herbal Academy. For me this online learning is so easily accessible because of where I live. I will keep you posted on my new journey.
"Discover the science of botanical identification and the art of wildcrafting through this captivating voyage into wild edible and herbal botanicals! After completing this class, you will see nature through an entirely new lens! " - Herbal Academy

Please go and follow their blog if you want to learn more about the world of Herbs add their uses
The Herbal Academy Course